.....Or…..maybe it was… Dan and I moved into a place called InTown Suites that rented one room apartments for a week at a time and was littered with the dregs of society. It was infested with drug addicts and hookers we called the InTown Suite-Hearts. The one neighbor we met asked us if we sold drugs and offered to prove he wasn’t a cop by lifting his shirt and showing us that he had “Fuck Tha Police” tattooed across his chest. Apparently he didn’t think his facial scabs and 5 rotting teeth were convincing enough. Due to nightly walks home at 2 A.M. while living in various ghettos in Pittsburgh, where delivery drivers would refuse to come to my neighborhood because they had been robbed so many times, I actually didn't feel too uncomfortable around these types of people. If you try to look mean and walk like you're on your way to kick someone's ass, you can avoid trouble in most any situation. Unless of course you're a girl, in which case your best bet is to smell as offensive as possible. I had only planned to stay for the first week until I signed a lease on an apartment, but due to some unforeseen circumstances I ended up calling it home for the next month.
I met with one of my bosses and learned some unsettling news. They had just hired two new people before I decided to come up, it would take three weeks for the paperwork to go through before they could pay me, and I could expect anywhere from 1-40 hours a week. Dan and I went back and forth over what the next move should be. We still hadn't unloaded the car and we were considering jumping back in and driving to LA where we might be able to get jobs as valets at the Trump golf course. I could brush elbows with millionaires until I found a way to become one myself. If the job was only going to be part time in Raleigh anyways, we could move to Miami and take the part time positions we had been offered there, but that was just the same problem in a more expensive setting.
The point of the journey was never to settle down in an average city with a boring job just to make enough money to live a boring life. The point also wasn't to go back north with my tail between my legs and nothing but stories about how much fun I had while I failed to make it. If there was a point to the journey, other than to see if the grass was really greener on the other side, it was to experience as many facets of life as possible until I landed myself in a place where I could say to myself, "I like this. Let's do this for a while."
It was decided that the best course of action was to stick with the job I had in Raleigh and work to climb up in the company that I was already on great terms with. I had found an industry I loved, but my job was way too easy and I knew I would get restless if I didn't move up in the near future. I started looking for another job to hold me over. This was the first point in the trip where having only one car between Dan and I became a significant problem. I needed a car to get any sort of job I wanted, but I needed a job to get a car.
While looking for additional employment my boss told me I shouldn’t be on the job hunt because work would pick up soon and he would need me full time. It felt great to throw out a stack of job applications for positions I knew I would hate. The job was sending me to events all over the eastern Carolinas and the work was a blast. Having a job that paid me to make trips to events I couldn’t afford was a perfect fit. I was getting all the hours they could give me, but it would be one 40 hour week where I would lay off on the job search and miss interviews to go to work, followed by a 4 hour week of canceled events where I felt like I needed something more consistent. I would end up spending the next 3 months in a limbo with the company budget as my bosses and I tried to figure out whether or not I had full time work and a promotion. The promise of a full time job doing the work I loved was always on the horizon, but the world was spinning too fast for me to catch up with it in time.
"For the past 33 years, I have looked in the
mirror every morning and asked myself: 'If today were the last day of my life,
would I want to do what I am about to do today?' And whenever the answer has
been 'No' for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something." -Steve Jobs
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